Health is a dynamic process. It keeps on changing as we change our
lifestyle, our eating habits, our sleeping routine, our thoughts, etc. Each day we should work towards maximizing our level of health and wellness to lead long, full, and healthy lives. Our defined aim should
be planning our day in a manner that maintains the balance of our physical and mental usage. However, we can make a huge difference by staying fit and healthy. Among the most crucial reasons for the decline in health, today is the lack of proper amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Improper intake of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products leads to the absence of minerals and vitamins in our bodies. Lack of minerals and vitamins leads to all kinds of diseases as nutrients are required to build and repair the blood, tissues, muscles, and bones. Good health not only means a state of absence of diseases in the body but a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well-being of an individual. Being healthy means having a healthy brain, flexible movements of the body, more energetic, happy moods, peace and patience, etc. Fitness does not only mean your physical well-being, it is a combination of the physical and mental health of a person. Stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations also represent unhealthy traits of a person. Health refers to the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of a person. Every generation should take care of their health and fitness. Since childhood, it is easy to focus on this aspect of life as childhood dietary habits are difficult to change afterward. For this, we should refrain from overfeeding the children. Some important tips for good eating habits that one should follow are:

- Making breakfast the heaviest and dinner the lightest meal of the
day. - Eat your salad before you eat the meal.
- Don’t starve yourself and overeat subsequently.
- Fast food and canned food are costly both for your pocket and
your heart. - Yellow, orange, and green vegetables and fruits add life to your
heart. - As your age advances, control your eating and exercise more.
In children, the requirement of sleep is high, around 12-14 hours and a
normal adult requires 7-8 hours of sound sleep daily.
Maintaining a healthy and fit regime requires simple efforts, a few of
which are listed below: - Routine exercise is highly beneficial for our health; it
helps us in controlling weight, helps in boosting the immune
system, and directly increases our stamina and energy levels.
The basic metabolic rate increases if a person exercises. Though
these days sparing time for exercise has become difficult for
people as this is not being taken on priority, to still
maintain balance, each individual should walk or use a cycle
instead of driving at a reasonable distance, use stairs instead of
elevators or escalators, walk while on call, and compensate the
available time with the benefits of exercising. - Yoga is another activity that lays great emphasis on both the mental
and physical well-being of humans. Yoga is an effective method
for improving health and acts as a preventive measure against
diseases. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression, etc which are
the core natural and mental factors that disturb health. Yoga and
meditation increases energy, give freshness, and infuse
confidence in a person. - Eating a balanced nutritional diet also directly benefits one’s
lifestyle. Having an appropriate diet does not lead to fat; it leads to a
healthy self. Eating fruits and vegetables helps people to maintain
adequate levels of calories, reduce the risk of disease, maintain
the balance of essential minerals and vitamins, etc. - Hygiene and sanitation are also major factors that affect the
health of a person. Sitting in a place that is not properly clean
can instantly make a person unwell and lead to various diseases.
Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to
protect ourselves and others from many illnesses.
Health and fitness are determined by what we eat, how we live our
lives, our choice of leisure pursuits, and what we do to keep ourselves
physically fit. Keeping fit is about how we choose to live our lives as
individuals and the levels of fitness we aspire to. Maintain your health
and fitness to keep your body look and feel good, but also maintain a
level of physical fitness that will enable you to manage and enjoy
your daily lifestyle.
Conclusion: The way towards Healthy and Active wellbeing is to focus
on making the healthy choice at any given moment, rather than
postponing the things that are must to be done in the long term.
Author:- Anjali Das